here is the...

the orange is hugger orange. this is a great color for the fact that my dad's sixty six vet is this same color.
headtube, with the king...

front king hub, and avid ball bearing seven...

the advancement of the single speed, the eccentric bottom bracket...

this part of the build up was a problem for me. my mechanic just said to loosen the bolts on the bottom and turn the ebb till it tightens the chain. sounds simple. but if you notice in this pic the little hole in the ebb. so i get home. i build up everything, except the chain. so the next day i go to put the chain on, and i loosen the bolts, but i can't move the freaking ebb. what the hell? so after about an hour of thinking about it (i went off and did other things); i figured it out. because no where could i find out how to do this. but i figured that the hole had something to do with it. so, i took a four mm hex wrench. put it in the hole, and used the crank arm as leverage, and rotated the whole thing. it worked.
drive side, with the white industries eno crank...

and this might be the most important part of the bike...

yes, its a bottle opener welded on the non-drive side. i can't wait to use it.
just took it for a ride around the block, but this sunday it is going to hit the dirt. hopefully i have some pics of its madain voyage.
seat tube, saddle, handlebar, brake levers, grips, bottom bracket, pedals, and fork were taken off of the nzumbi, and ybb. the nzumbi is sitting in the basement. the ybb is taken apart to be cleaned, and put back together. but i am thinking about turning that into a higher geared single speed for the road. but i'll see what happens with that.
reflect the moon of truth...