Sunday, March 05, 2006

if i may...

permit myself to have a gump moment.

life is like a fixie. as you ride you have no choice of gear. no choice of coasting. just moving. even if you want to slow down, you have to slow your movement. not stop. slow your movement.

in life do you coast? i believe not. you can slow your movement. but you never stop. even if you watch a movie. you are not stopped. your body is still functioning. your mind is still moving. never coasting.

a track stand. if you are able to pull it off. that balance. that twitch in your muscle. staying upright.

as the hill gets harder you push harder. so too in life. as the fixie moves, so does life. never coasting. a state of continual motion. constant awareness. understanding what is going on. now. soon. what will happen if you don't...

move on...


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