Saturday, February 04, 2006

i've said it before...

and i'll say it again. big corporations sucks. once you institutionalize something. an idea. a thought. even a religion. it goes down hill. their philosophy moves away from the original conception to that of money. my case in point...the good old lance armstrong foundation.

you've heard of them. with their little slogan 'livestrong'. now since their conception many little groups have sprung out. some fun. some not so fun. wrist bands all over the place. one not so fun is what cycles gaansari was doing down in dayton ohio. home grown. showing support for the bike messenger emergency fund. great cause. a non-profit group that helps injuried bike messengers that are hurt on the job. well gaansari came up with skidstrong. are you able to tell the difference? livestrong. skidstrong. i'm able to tell the difference in spelling. it might be just because i have a master's in philosophy. well, those great cats at laf couldn't. they took gaansari to court, and issued a cease-and-desist order. because they were worried that people would contribute to the wrong foundation. thanks laf for looking out for the little guy. they stopped. the folks at cycles gaansari asked if laf would make a donation of three g's. no go. how much money does laf have? and no donation. hey, it's tax deductible. in case you haven't heard.

i read about it on
  • wrench in the gears blog

  • and it just pissed me off to no end.

    what about livewrong?
  • livewrong

  • let's just go after everyone that might be close to livestrong. hell with em. who do they think they are trying to get out a good and positive message, with something we have created? good show lance. my hero.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You have to admit that both of them are blantent ripoffs of livestrong and are merely using those names to ride on the coat tails of the laf livestrong name. If their ideas are so great, why did they name their causes so similar to livestong (or for that matter why didn't skidstrong trademark their name when they came up with it)? It's clearly a ripoff and the livewrong hasn't the most positive message... I understand your position when it comes to corporations and I for the most part, I agree that most go down hill when they get too big and lose their initial vision. But when it comes to the LAF foundation and the whole livestrong deal, they have done way more good and positive things than negative.... it's not even close.

    5:38 AM  
    Blogger hamad said...

    granted...they have done good. i'm not saying that they haven't. but why then try to stop others who maybe are riding on the coat tails. i wasn't going to go there, but what about the catholic church? they've been riding on everybody else's coat tails since their inception. one word: zoroastrianism. all i'm saying is why pick on the little fishes? what did they ever do? if they are trying to put good out there (i'll grant you that livewrong might not have the best message, but skidstrong did) why not let them be, and take a sort of pride in what you have created? should we go after an organization that has little wrist bands too? i am able to think of at least seven different ones right off the top of my head that are doing good, and have a positive message. putting a positive message out there. i applaud that. my grip is just this: if it is positive; leave it alone. no harm. no foul.

    12:17 PM  

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