Wednesday, May 10, 2006

today was a...

blessed day. i was blessed by the fixie gods. on my way to school today on the fixie i ride behind an school where a lot of parents let off their kids. as they stopped, i pulled off one of my greatest track stands. and there is nothing like doing it with a bunch of kids watching you.

i pull around the school where it is a one way during school hours. i need to make a left so i get in the left lane. this idiot pulls up in the right with his music blasting, and his little girl in the other seat. (she'll be deaf by ten) i make my left. he proceeds to make his left from the right lane, and speed past me. so our paths crossed, and i was on the bad end. if there were not kids around i would have invented some new words.

on my way home i came to another stop light, and pulled off another great track stand. with people watching. i have such a freaking hard time in my backyard with no one watching, but i pull these off. i was even doing some rocking back and forth. nice....

good ride, but i need a new saddle on that thing.

going back to my almost near hit...i'm a peaceful person. i believe that when i'm on the fixie i am in some sort of zenish state. in harmony with the buddha. but when i have to deal with some of these jerks driving...any buddhahood that i might have is gone. i want to yell, and curse, and do bodily harm. what a perplexing situation.

oh, safe out there. don't hurt anyone. just run into their car, and then sue them. just an option...


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