Monday, October 17, 2005

what a season...

to ride. a crisp is in the air. the leaves are changing colors. you may need a jacket. even a skull cap. you get out on the trail, and it's covered with leaves. nice. hey, where did the trail go? found it. this way.

so as the leaves turn color; you know what season it is. not the end. remember the cycling season never ends. yet it is a start of a season. cyclocross season. nice. i've recently got rid of my c-cross bike, but the single speed works just great. so that's what i'll be using this c-cross season. the first race of the season that i'll make it to is up on the homepage.

other than building up my fixed gear bike, i'm having naughty thoughts about building up something else. john locke was right. we are never free. we are always bound to our desires. once we meet one desire, there is another one to take its place.

a side i was riding up hillside rd. from canal. great hill. i'm making my way up and it curves left, up some more, and then curves right, and up. anyway as i'm pedaling up the hill, a freaking dog comes casing me. i thought that it would stop. chain. fence. something. nope. just kept coming. i begin to pedal faster, and away from it. away from it means crossing the double yellow line into on coming traffic. luckily no cars. i finally ride away from it, and it runs home. i put this out there. next time i will kick it. i wear toe spikes. it will hurt. i'm not talking about a "cute" little dog with his tail in the air proclaiming "pet me. pet me. please, pet me." i'm talking a barking dog. teeth showing. ready to bite my leg. as thomas hobbes stated...i've got an absolute right to self-preservation. i will use. my leg is more important than your dog. keep it leashed, or fenced in.

get out and ride. feel the season...


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