Monday, October 03, 2005

good times...

had a great ride on saturday. a friend and me went down to vultures knob on saturday. there were rumors of a couple of other friends of ours meeting us there. i get out early. i don't like sitting around. i've got to get out, ride, ride some more, and get home.

so we get out there about 8am. we went out for a lap before our other friends got there. felt good. this was the first time on a bike since my adventure race. the course was dry and fast. some mud holes. crash one: down hill. tight 180 degree turn. my front wheel didn't like the line. i'm going over the bars. stop myself just before being dropped off the hill. splits. no worries. back on the bike. crash two: quick, twisting down hill. grassy. next thing i know my bike is going one way, and i'm going another into the grass. some scraps on my leg. no worries. back on the bike. i keep on hearing a clanking. i stop and noticed that a spoke came lose. crap. i make my way back to the car. where's my spoke wrench for this wheel set? at home. damn. we make it work.

a little later our friends show up. i haven't ridden with my one friend in quite a few years, so it was real good to see him, and ride with him. we cracked jokes. got set up, and went out again. there was a different feeling to this lap. i knew. we were going to mess around. nothing serious. having fun. what bike riding should be. pictures were being taken. good times were being had by all. i pick out the next picture spot, and get there before everybody else. next thing i hear..."mechanical." great. i make my way back up from where i was from. wheel problems. not me this time. two broken spokes. how did this happen? whatever happened, it happened going up hill. "fixed" the problem. took some great pictures. i'll get some up when i can. no more problems. finished the run. got food.

it was so great to ride with an old friend. trying to get people to ride like we used to is a hard thing, but i think some of it is coming together. its a good thing. fall has hit. a chill is in the air. leaves cover the trail. what more could you ask for?

next weekend i'm looking forward to a masochistic day in the saddle. more to come...


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