Tuesday, September 13, 2005

a beautiful ride, on a beautiful day...

the single speed was in full force on sunday. went on an organized unorganized ride. organized to the point where they gave us a map. unorganized to the point where there was no sag, and there was some questionable riding. we noticed that there was some opportunities for off road riding. nice. rigid fork. one speed, and that speed was kicking as much ass as i could.

first we rode to the starting point in the flats, and then did the ride. came up out of the flats. we were around many riders, and mind you i kicked all their asses coming up and out of the flats. when i approach a hill on the voodoo, something changes. like sly turning around his cap in "over the top." we were eventually passed by some cocky roadies, but the funny thing is; is that we kept on seeing them throughout the whole day. whimps.

we come to the first off road (o.r.) section, and it seemed like no one knew what to do. so we took it. down and up a creek. over logs. kicking ass. on a rigid fork. on a single speed. we rode what we could. some of it was too muddy or steep even for the gearheads.

we're riding along, and i'm feeling good. i'm in front of the pack, and we come to a clearing. i'm stopped. in front of me there are three "mountain bikers" (i put this in quotes for obvious reasons. if you're truly a mountain biker you just go. not stopping and debating about a line to take.) anyway, after the clearing we are back on the pavement.

as we pick up the pace, we are zipping north on west blvd. heading towards lakewood. then what do we notice...the roadies that pasted us up a while ago. one of the whimps looks at us and says "hey, people." as the light that we are at turns green, he calls out something to the effect "see you later." i call out "doubt it." i think i pissed off some guy on a dean, because that could have been taken two ways; one, i'm going to kick all your asses, or two, i suck. i don't think he noticed that i was on my single speed. first off; they took a wrong turn and thus shortened up the ride (more justification of their wimpiness), second; i wouldn't whip my ass with a dean.

we traveled to the lake front and back to the flats. after that we had some pizza and pop, and rode home for beer. great ride. good times. good company. take care. onefuckingspeed...


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