the american public is stupid
yes i said it. you are. the majority of you are. everybody cries about the high gas prices. but what do you as a consumer do about it? nothing. now the government feels that they have to step in, and tell the car companies to produce more fuel efficient cars by 2008. you keep buying these SUVs that get crap for gas mileage. you are not part of the solution, but part of the problem. i hate to put it this way, but you have a moral obligation to do something about this. yes i said moral obligation. there are options out there. how about a diesel car? or hybrid? these are options. lets face're not trucking through the mud and over rocks in your brand new 50 thousand Cady. even you in the p.o.s. hummers are just tooling around the city looking for the nearest starbucks. like you need that too, but this is not about the outrageous cost of coffee; that a whole different wave, in a whole different sea. consumers of america step up to the plate and be an educated consumer. buy with you mind. that's what separates us from the animals. our ability to reason.
i don't believe that the government has a say in this. yes, it is our right as a consumer to buy what we want. however it is also the right as a manufacture to produce what they want. this is america, and we are a capitalist nation. i believe in this, but what i don't believe in is the government stepping in where they have no business to step in. if there is something wrong in this consumer based society it is our duty to fix it as consumers. in this case, stop buying these low mileage vehicles.
organize, and set your mind to what is right. i know most of us still have to drive to work. i drive about 100 miles a day to and from, but in and around the city i ride. getting in and around this city is very easy on a bike. when i went to college, i rode a lot to and from school. there is also public transportation. i know that cleveland doesn't have the best, but if we use it more, maybe it will get better.
i don't believe that the government has a say in this. yes, it is our right as a consumer to buy what we want. however it is also the right as a manufacture to produce what they want. this is america, and we are a capitalist nation. i believe in this, but what i don't believe in is the government stepping in where they have no business to step in. if there is something wrong in this consumer based society it is our duty to fix it as consumers. in this case, stop buying these low mileage vehicles.
organize, and set your mind to what is right. i know most of us still have to drive to work. i drive about 100 miles a day to and from, but in and around the city i ride. getting in and around this city is very easy on a bike. when i went to college, i rode a lot to and from school. there is also public transportation. i know that cleveland doesn't have the best, but if we use it more, maybe it will get better.