Tuesday, April 18, 2006

a good friend...

of mine once gave me some advise. i first believed this advise to be due to the beer we were consuming at the time. for many odd things come out of our mouths from beer. but i remembered it. and listened to it. i tried to observe it in life, and experience to validate it. as i take it, i change or tweak it a little to fit a broader sense. because i would hate to pigeon hole anyone or anything.

he once said (and i'm going to paraphase)...you can't trust anyone that doesn't have a vice.

think about it...are you able to? can you trust anyone that doesn't have a release? if a person doesn't have a vice, then what is their outlet? how do they release tension?

let's take the example of alcohol. i'm not talking about an alcholholic, but just a drink now and again. a hard day at work, or what-ever. just to open a beer and enjoy it. to get a little release. if there is no release, then what happens? things then tend to get bottled up. repressed. buried. a tightly wound bomb, just waiting to go off. these are people that you can put a chunk of coal up their ass, and get a diamond.

we don't need an extreme of any one thing, but a medium. aristotle called it the mean between two extremes. buddha called it the middle path.

become the water in a stream, and not the rock in the stream. if you are able to flow and let go, you move with more easy. unlike the rock; which doesn't move at all. the taoist riddle: what is stronger; water or rock?

let go a little. enjoy life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh. I like the way you expanded the concept, but I still like using the word "vice." Because when you engage in a vice you do it for the thing, the activity itself, you do it because you like it... You're goal isn't political, intellectual, and it's not ironic. You aren't out to expand knowledge, make the world a better place, or look kewl. These things may be a side effect, but you engage in the vice with no "end" in mind other than enjoyment. You do it for you. This idea of vice isn't the blind consumption of the alcoholic or the addict. It's the activity of the devotee, the connoisseur, and the fetishist. It defines a person in a unique way and provides that release. Hmmmm...I think I lost my train of thought here...

Hamad, I think we need a few good beers drinks to really do this subject justice...

8:43 AM  

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